Live Camera at Hendrix Lab

Weather Conitions

Estuary Surface Conditions

Estuary Bottom Conditions

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Meteorological Data

Surface Estuarine Data

SRWO Overview and Data

The Severn River Watershed Observatory (SRWO) is micronet for estuarine observation and monitoring in the Severn River, MD. The system today consists of a sensing node at the USNA Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences Department's Hendirx Oceanography Laboratory. It is equipped with two YSI EXO2 water quality monitoring sondes (one near the surface at ~1.0 m and the second sonde about 0.5 m from the bottom), a full meteorological sensor suite, a Sontek Argonaut SL Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP), and a high resolution camera system. Checkout the realtime data and observation below. Click here for more information about SRWO >>

SRWO Data Files
Read Me file coming soon. For additional information about the files, please contact: