Entry Types
RAMADDA recognizes any file that ends with types.xml as an entry type definition file. Here is an exampletypes.xml file and there are numerous examples in the source code @ github, e.g. https://github.com/geodesystems/ramadda/tree/master/src/org/ramadda/geodata/point/resources

You can use the above xml file as a plugin. But, if you wanted to include html resources you would have a zipped directory like:
Note: the names above do not matter except the types.xml To make use of the types simply add the types.xml (or the zip file) into your RAMADDA Home/plugins directory and restart RAMADDA.
Column Types
Each entry can have any number of column attributes. Each column (see in the example above) has a name, label, type, etc:
  • string - Use size="..." to specify the column size
  • enumeration - See below to specify values
  • enumerationplus - Just like enumeration but allows use to enter new text values
  • list - A big string internally but shows a list of newline separated text values to the user
  • password - A string but is shown in a password field
  • clob - A big character large object
  • int - Integer
  • double - floating point number
  • percentage - floating point number shows as percentage
  • boolean
  • date - Just a date
  • datetime - A date and a time
  • email - Shows as an email address
  • url - Shows as a URL
  • latlonbbox - spatial bounds
  • latlon - A single point
For enumeration or enumerationplus types you can specify a set of enumeration values.
  <column name="fruit" label="Fruit" type="enumeration" values="apple,banana,orange" cansearch="true" />
Wiki Template
An entry type can have a wiki tag that defines the wiki text template for the entry. The example file above has an example of this wiki text, e.g.:
+section title={{name}}
{{description wikify=true}}
:heading Charts
{{display type=linechart showMenu=true fields=discharge}}
{{display type=linechart showMenu=true fields=gauge_height}}
:vspace 0.5em
:heading Table
:vspace 1em
:heading Information
{{information  details="true"  showTitle="false"  }} 