You can easily aggregate collections of grids in several different ways:
  • Aggregate a set of grid files that form a time series into one view (JoinExisting)
  • Aggregate a set of variables that are in different files which all have the same time and space dimesions (Union)
  • Aggregate a set of ensemble members of a model into one view (Ensemble).
To create a new grid aggregation, use the File->New Entry menu and select the Grid Aggregation item under the Geo Data category. This will bring up the Grid Aggregation form:
  • Name

    Enter a name for this entry

  • Description

    Optionally, add a description

  • Date Range

    You can set the date range for the data.

  • Location

    You can set the bounding box of the data location.

  • Aggregation type

    Set the aggregation type. The choices are:

    • JoinExisting - join the data along an existing time dimension.
    • Union - join the data as a union of all the files (must have same temporal and spatial bounds)
    • Ensemble - join the data as an ensemble of the individual fils (must have same temporal and spatial bounds and fields)

  • Time Coordinate

    The name of the time coordinate for the JoinExisting aggregation

  • Fields

    The name(s) of the variable(s) in the files that you want to aggregate for the Ensemble type.

  • Files

    If you are an administrator, you can select a set of files on your local server (one per line) to use for this aggregation. You need to include the full path to the files in the name. You can optionally leave this blank and add files to the aggregation by hand.

  • File Pattern

    If you are an administrator, you can set a directory name in the Files field and then give a file pattern (e.g. Foo* of the files you want to include in the aggregation.

  • Recurse

    Set to Yes to recurse into sub directories

  • Ingest Files

    Ingest the metadata into the database for the individual granules that make up the aggregation. Set this to Yes if you want to show the individual granules that make up the aggregation.

  • Spatial/Temporal Metadata

    Ingest just the spatial/temporal metadata into the database

  • All Metadata

    Ingest all metadata (spatial/temporal, variables, attributes) into the database

  • Owner

    Specify the owner (admin) who has permission to modify and add to this entry.

When you click on the Add Grid Aggregation button, the entry will be created. If you specified a list of files, those will be included in the aggregation. If you specified Yes to Ingest Files, the individual files will be listed on entry page.