FileCR6Series_SondeHourly.dat   744 KB
Kind CR1000 Data Logger File
Created2024-02-15 13:47:33 EST
Created byAlex Davies
Date2023-12-06 11:31:34 EST - 2024-02-15 13:16:32 EST
Number of rows 5101
Field NameLabelUnitDescriptionType
temp_cTemp CCdouble
cond_s_cmCond S/cmdouble
sp_cond_s_cmSp Cond S/cmdouble
sal_psuSal Psudouble
ph_mvPh Mvdouble
odo_prcnt_satOdo Prcnt Satdouble
odo_mg_lOdo Mg/ Ldouble
turb_ntuTurb Ntudouble
chl_rfuChl Rfudouble
chl_g_lChl G/ldouble
phycoerythrin_rfuPhycoerythrin Rfudouble
phycoerythrin_g_lPhycoerythrin G/ldouble
fdom_qsuF Dom Qsudouble
fdom_rfuF Dom Rfudouble
cable_pwr_vCable Pwr Vdouble
batt_vBatt Vdouble
wipr_pos_vWipr Pos Vdouble
depth_mDepth MMdouble
vert_pos_mVert Pos Mdouble

For wiki displays:
fields="timestamp, record, temp_c, cond_s_cm, sp_cond_s_cm, sal_psu, ph, ph_mv, odo_prcnt_sat, odo_mg_l, turb_ntu, chl_rfu, chl_g_l, phycoerythrin_rfu, phycoerythrin_g_l, fdom_qsu, fdom_rfu, cable_pwr_v, batt_v, wipr_pos_v, depth_m, vert_pos_m"
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