FileCR1000_LuffWS800.dat   1.54 MB
Kind CR1000 Data Logger File
Created2024-10-23 13:29:52 EDT
Created byAlex Davies
Date2024-10-04 12:48:00 EDT - 2024-10-23 13:28:00 EDT
Number of rows 13689
Field NameLabelUnitDescriptionType
airtemp_cAir Temp CCdouble
dewpt_cDew Pt Cdouble
wetbulbtemp_cWet Bulb Temp Cdouble
rel_humid_Rel Humid %double
abs_humid_g_m3Abs Humid G/m3double
spc_enth_kj_kgSpc Enth K J/ Kgdouble
mix_ratio_g_kgMix Ratio G/kgdouble
abs_air_press_hpaAbs Air Press Hpadouble
air_density_kg_m3Air Density Kg/m3double
rel_air_press_hpaRel Air Press Hpadouble
wind_speed_m_sWind Speed M/sm/sdouble
wind_direct_degWind Direct Degdouble
wind_direct_corr_degWind Direct Corr Degdouble
wind_chill_temp_cWind Chill Temp Cdouble
precip_amt_abs_mmPrecip Amt Abs Mmdouble
precip_amt_diff_mmPrecip Amt Diff Mmdouble
precip_intens_mm_hPrecip Intens Mm/hdouble
precip_typePrecip Typedouble
global_rad_w_m2Global Rad W/m2double
lightning_events_minLightning Events Mindouble
lightning_events_intervLightning Events Intervdouble

For wiki displays:
fields="timestamp, record, airtemp_c, dewpt_c, wetbulbtemp_c, rel_humid_, abs_humid_g_m3, spc_enth_kj_kg, mix_ratio_g_kg, abs_air_press_hpa, air_density_kg_m3, rel_air_press_hpa, wind_speed_m_s, wind_direct_deg, wind_direct_corr_deg, wind_chill_temp_c, precip_amt_abs_mm, precip_amt_diff_mm, precip_intens_mm_h, precip_type, global_rad_w_m2, lightning_events_min, lightning_events_interv"
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