Point Data
NOAA Tides and Currents Data
See the section Tides and Currents Data.
Purple Air sensor data
See the section Purple Air sensor data.
OpenAQ Air Quality Data
To integerate OpenAQ Air quality data into your RAMADDA you need an (free) API key from OpenAQ. Follow these instructions to create an API key. Once you have they key add it to your repository.properties file on your RAMADDA home directory:
openaq.api.key= your key
Once you have the API key to add an OpenAQ sensor into RAMADDA follow these steps:
  • Find the sensor ID
    • Go to https://explore.openaq.org/
    • Find the sensor you are interested in and click on it.
    • In the popup click on "Show Details"
    • The sensor ID will be in the URL, e.g., 270741
  • Once you have the sensor ID in RAMADDA go to File->Pick a Type... and look for Open AQ Air Quality
  • Enter the Sensor ID and press "Add Open AQ Air Quality"
USBR Rise Data
RAMADDA supports US Bureau of Reclamation RISE data. But, it does not read the data in real-time, rather you need to download the data. First, find the site you are interested in on the USBR site - USBR Map

Next, select and download the desired data

  • Select a Default Date Range, e.g., All Available

  • Select the data fields you want then click "Next Step: Generate Outputs"

  • Under "View All/Download All" select "Download All CSV"

Now back to RAMADDA

  • Select Pick a Type... and choose "USBR RISE Hyrdo"
  • Enter the Site ID from above and select the file:

  • RAMADDA will read the Site name, location and other metadata
  • Enter the location ID below. This will extract location and metadata
RAMADDA supports accessing real-time data from a SOFAR buoy with the SOFAR Buoy Data from API entry type. This requires an API key that you can get from your SOFAR dashboard at https://spotter.sofarocean.com/api. Edit one of the .properties file in your RAMADDA home dir and add the following. Once set you can add the SOFAR Data entry and just specify the spotter ID, e.g. SPOT-1234.
property.sofar.api.key=YOUR KEY
Storm Tracker data
Real time storm tracker positions from https://www.spotternetwork.org/ can be added to RAMADDA. First register on the above site and get an API key. Add the following to one of the .properties files in your RAMADDA home directory and restart RAMADDA.
property.stormtracker.api.key=YOUR KEY
There is no specific entry type for Storm Tracker positions. Rather you can use download this export - Storm_Spotter_Locations.zip and import it into your RAMADDA.

This is a generic CSV File entry type but with some CSV commands in the properties that convert the JSON from the API into RAMADDA's standard format. There is also a Request Information Property that specifies the required HTTP request information.