Permissions Form
You can define access control settings under the "Edit -> Permissions" menu for an entry.

The access control mechanism in RAMADDA is centered around a set of actions that can be applied to entries -
view, new, edit, etc.
For each action a set of user roles can be specified that grant or remove permissions to do those actions. The form is composed of this list of actions and, for each action, there is a field where you can enter any number of user roles (one per line).

Entry Permissions
Image 1: Entry Permissions
Note: Permissions settings have no effect on RAMADDA site administrators. They can do anything.

Note: after setting access (e.g., creating a private space) it is best to log out (or user another browser) and check if the access is set to what you think it is.
The roles for a user are defined by the RAMADDA administrator through the Admin-Users page. Other "special" roles include:
  • "none" - this denies access to any user
  • "user" - any logged in user
  • "any" - any user, either logged in or anonymous
  • "anonymous" - non logged in user
  • "ip:prefix" - The user is coming from an IP address that begins with prefix
Furthermore, any role can be negated with "!"

In the example shown above any user in the role "group1" can view anything under the sub test entry. No other user can view the "sub test" because of the "none" specified. Along with the view access, the user "joe" can also edit the entry and any entry under the entry.

On the right shows a summary table for the particular entry being viewed. This shows the access control settings for all of the ancestor entries of the current entry and allows the user to see just what access settings are applicable to the entry.

To see if a given user has the ability to do a particular action for a particular entry RAMADDA looks at the permissions for the entry and its ancestors and either looks for the first permission grant or the first permission denial. If nothing matches then permission is not granted.
Here are other examples:
  • To make a whole tree of entries inaccessable - under the view action enter:
    This will only allow admins and entry owners to view anything under that tree.
  • To make an entry (or tree of entries) inaccessable to non logged in users - under the view action enter:

  • To make an entry (or tree of entries) inaccessable to users outside of an ip address - under the view action enter:

  • To allow anyone to view the entries in a tree but don't allow anyone to access the files then under the file action enter:

  • To allow anyone to view the entries in a tree but only allow file access to users who are coming from the IP address 123.456 then under the file action do:

  • It is often the case that researchers are granted an embargo period on any data collected in a project, i.e., the data can be accessed after a certain date. This type of permission can be defined with a special "date:" role. For example, to restrict access until after March 2025 specify:

  • If you wanted to give a certain user permission (e.g., joe) to view the entry but not allow any one else to view the entry then enter under the view action:
    RAMADDA would first check if the given user was "joe". If it is "joe" then permission is granted. If its not "joe" then RAMADDA looks at the next role - "none". This blocks any other access.
  • To allow for a group of users in the role "group1" to be able to edit and create new entries under a whole tree then enter:
    for both the edit and the new actions.
  • A common case is to allow one role to have new and edit capabilities under a whole tree (like the group1 example above) but to grant new and edit capabilities to some other user to a sub tree. For this you would grant the access to the parent entry like above, e.g.:
    • parent entry - access =
      • ...
        • descendent entry - access =
3.4.0 Roles
Each access type can contain any number of roles (one per line).
  • Special roles
    • any - this is a special role and says that anyone can do the action.
    • none - nobody (except admins) can do the action.
    • user - any logged in user
    • anonymous - the user is not logged in
    • guest - the user is a guest user
  • Assigned user roles - All users can have one or more roles. This is set by the site administrator when editing the user. They are just string names. For example, you might have the roles "group1" and "group2". If you wanted to grant access to "group1" you would just enter:
    If you wanted to grant access to users in either group1 or group2 you would enter:
  • Self identity role - If you enter a role in the form as user:someuserid this grants access to that specific user. So, if you wanted to give "joe" access to something enter:
  • ip:ip address - This format grants access to incoming requests with the given ip address or ip address suffix. For example, the following would grant access to any request coming from any IP address that starts with 128.117
  • Date access - this role specifies a date. The role is only effective after the specified date, e.g.:
  • !some role - Prefixing a role with "!" is a way to deny specific access to a user, role, or ip address. For example, the following would deny access to any request coming from any IP address that starts with 128.117:
    Say you want to grant access to user "joe" but deny access to user "jim". You would do:
Permission Types
The different access types are:
  • View - Can a user view the entry. If a user does not have view access they will simply not see the entry and cannot access any aspect of the entry.
  • View Children - This is used for a folder where a user without permission can see that the folder exists (e.g., "Unidata Only") but cannot see any of the details of the folder or any of the children entry of the folder.
  • File - This allows users to see the information about an entry but they cannot access the file. i.e., they cannot download the file or access any of the content of the file (e.g., through charts or maps). This also includes any file based properties like entry thumbnails.
  • Geolocation - This limits any access to the geolocation (i.e., its north/west/south/east bounding box) of an entry including displaying in a map, export, JSON listing, etc. If the user is searching based on geographic location and they don't have "geo" access then the entries won't be shown.
    Note: This access setting has no effect on data files that have geolocation (e.g., a Shapefile, a CSV file with Lat/Lon, etc). If you need to control access to the file then use the View or File permissions described above.
  • Edit - Can a user edit the entry.
  • New - Can a user create a new sub-folder or sub-entry. Note: when users have this permission they also need Edit permission.
  • Upload - This provides anonymous upload capability. For example, we use this to provide an area for IDV users to upload shared content. When a file is uploaded it is marked so that only administrators or owners of the Folder can access it. The owner of the folder will receive an email (if email is configured) notifying them of the uploaded file. In the Edit page for the uploaded Entry the owner can "bless" the entry to make it available to others.

    If you want more people than the owner to receive notification simply add a "Contact" property to the folder that contains the other recipient's email.

  • Delete - Can a user delete an entry.
Data Policies
RAMADDA has support for a data policy mechanism that allows for the specification of a data license and access settings in a centralized location. This allows for the use of a single data policy across multiple entries within a single RAMADDA repository as well as sharing data policies across a group of confederated RAMADDA repositories. See the documentation at for more details. A RAMADDA repository is configured to read in data policies from a set of URLs specified in a file in your local RAMADDA home directory.
#Comma separated list of URLS to fetch the data policies from
#Use "this" to refer to the current RAMADDA

#Number of minutes between fetches of data policies from the URLs

#Set this property to turn on debugging
The URLs specified are read at a given frequency (with the property above). Each URL returns a document that has one or more data policies. A data policy consists of name, ID, data license and a number of permissions.
Displaying Permissions
You can embed the access status for an entry directly in the wiki page for the entry with the access_status tag. This is only shown for logged in users and gives you the opportunity to see what access anonymous users have.
Entry Status
Image 2: Entry Status
{{access_status  fullAccess="false"  }}