Both the Multi-Entry Glyph and the Group Glyph can be configured so that all of their children glyphs are displayed with the same data icon.
To follow download the example at and import it into your RAMADDA.

The example is composed of a Group that contains three different entries - a CR1000 data logger file, a Purple Air sensor and a real-time NWS weather data file.
Group Property Dialog
Under the Data Icons section of the Properties dialog for the group are specifications for both the pull-down field menu as well as overwriting how the data icons are displayed.
Menu Fields
There are 7 lines in the Menu Fields. The data files share some similar fields (e.g., temperature) but the field names vary (e.g., "rh" and "humidity") and only the Purple Air entry has the pm1.0, pm2.5 and pm10.0 fields. The "|" separated field ids, e.g. .*rh|.*humidity, allow one to match on any of the patterns.
windspeed,label=Wind Speed
Drawing Data Icons
Under the Set Defaults button are a set of inputs for specifying how the data is displayed. If there isn't anything set in the fields (e.g., Canvas, Properties, Glyphs) then the Set Defaults button will set them with initial default values.

You can think of the Glyphs as a set of drawing commands that draw into the canvas. The canvas has a specified width and height. That canvas is then converted into an image and that image is displayed as an icon in the map with the specified Icon Size. There is in depth documentation available here.

The Properties have both default attributes for the Glyphs as well as background for the canvas as a whole.
#What font to use for the label Glyph
font:50px sans-serif

#If the data does not have the specified field then the icon is not shown
#the ${_field} is a macro that is replaced with the selected field
#from the Field Menu

#This specifies the background and line color for the rectangle
The Glyphs are the drawing commands, one per line.
#Draw a label with the given template
#The ${_field} is a macro that is replaced with the selected field
label,pos:nw,dx:80,dy:-ch+20,label:${${_field} decimals=1 suffix=" ${unit}"}

#Draw an image with the icon for the Map Glyph